Efforts to repeal Prevailing Wage will not work in Ohio

Listen to Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary Dave Wondolowski and America’s Workforce Radio, host Ed “Flash” Ferenc, as they discuss a new proposal in Ohio to repeal Prevailing Wage, implement both public and private sector So-Called “Right to Work,” eliminate Project Labor Agreements and other union busting measures. Wondolowski also talked about the recent Midwest Economic Policy Institute study that showed the repeal of Indiana’s Prevailing Wage three years ago hurt workers and did not save the government money.Ferenc brought up a proposed federal infrastructure plan and Wondolowski said North American Building Trades Union President Sean McGarvey is working with the White House to help create a sustainable, long-term infrastructure policy.On the local front, Wondolowski said his members should be busy this year. He talked about major upcoming public projects including the I-480 Bridge and new school construction in the following districts: Euclid, Cleveland and Berea. In the private sector, he discussed the John Hartness Brown building, which the Cleveland Building Trades are financing part of the project through a debt/equity investment fund initiative.Click here to listen to the entire interview, including Wondolowski’s thoughts on the recently passed federal tax cuts.